Third Street Academy is a private Christian school for boys located in Greenville, North Carolina. Formed with the belief that all of our students are intelligent and gifted.
More than a school, our boys are taught to be great husbands, great fathers, and great leaders in our community. Learning respect, kindness, and self control in an environment with fewer distractions, more movement, and relational learning.
Each student at Third Street Academy is able to realize their God given potential.
We partner with our families and community every day to make this a reality. If a family can't pay full tuition, through the generosity of donors, we work with them so that every young man has a chance to fulfill their God given potential.
The Academy Creed
Every student at Third Street learns The Academy Creed, To remind them who they are, and who made them.
I am a Third Street Academy Gentleman.
God, my Father in Heaven, made me.
I am a child of the King, made in His image, and destined for greatness.
Therefore, I am grateful, kind, compassionate, honest, obedient, strong, and brave.
I am a Third Street Academy Gentleman.